jawaban soal buku kuriulum kelas 9 bhs inggris bab 1

kali ini saya akan membagikan jawaban bhs inggris bab 1 kelas9 For example, 1) I will ask you, “Who congratulate Lina for being the winner of the class story telling competition?” Then, read the teks again, and !nd the answer. Or you may be ready with the answer right away. The answer is “The teacher, Dayu, and Beni”. 2) I will ask you “What does the teacher say to congratulate Lina?”. Then, read the teks again, and !nd the answer. Or you may be ready with the answer right away. And, your answer is “Congratulations Lina”. Berikut adalah daftar pertanyaan pemandu dan kunci jawabannya. Tentang memberi selamat: 1. Who congratulate Lina for being the winner of the class story telling competition? “The teacher, Dayu, and Beni.” 2. 2. What does the teacher say to congratulate Lina? “Congratulations Lina.” 3. What does Dayu say to congratulate Lina? “Congratulations for being the champion of the class, Lina.” 4. What does Beni...